Mining is a temporary and transformative land use. Distilling relevant post-mining land uses (PMLUs) and setting appropriate completion criteria is fundamental to achieving successful rehabilitation.

PMLUs | Post-Mining Land Uses | Highlands Environmental


Clearly defined PMLUs are needed for rehabilitation planning, delivery, evaluation, certification, and ultimately, for mine closure. We derive appropriate PMLUs from stakeholder consultation, regional natural resource management data, local land uses, site pre-mining land uses, and site-specific material limitations and other site constraints including safety, engineering, and cost. Contact us for PMLUs you can achieve.

Rehabilitation Completion Indices | Post-Mining Land Uses | Highlands Environmental

Rehabilitation Completion Indices

We develop rehabilitation completion objectives, indicators, and criteria (rehabilitation completion indices) that collectively describe and define successful rehabilitation for each PMLU. Indicators are ‘what’ will be measured, and completion criteria are the numeric ‘benchmarks’ for successful rehabilitation. Each has a science-base, and we typically rely on Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) and other industry-led research to justify proposed indicators and threshold values (we maintain an electronic library that contains more than 1000 relevant scientific references). Our completion indices have been used in the certification of thousands of hectares of mined land rehabilitation throughout Queensland. Contact us for effective rehabilitation completion indices.

Rehabilitated Land Suitability Assessment for Agricultural Land Uses | Post-Mining Land Uses | Highlands Environmental

Rehabilitated Land Suitability Assessment for Agricultural Land Uses

We apply proven, FAO-based agricultural land evaluation methods to determine the suitability of rehabilitated land for agricultural PMLUs. We are the only soil scientists in Australia who undertake this work, determining the suitability of subsided land for dryland farming and cattle grazing, and the suitability rehabilitated overburden/waste rock emplacements for sustainable cattle grazing. We have developed a proprietary ruleset of land use limitations and diagnostic attributes for deciding the suitability of open-cut coal mine rehabilitation for cattle grazing PMLU in central Queensland. Want to know if your rehabilitation passes muster? Contact us to find out.

Certification of Progressive Rehabilitation | Post-Mining Land Uses | Highlands Environmental

Certification of Progressive Rehabilitation

We have prepared numerous Progressive Rehabilitation Reports that have underpinned successful applications for the certification of thousands of hectares of progressive mine rehabilitation across Queensland. This has incorporated our land suitability assessments for dryland farming and cattle grazing PMLUs, and statistical analysis of monitoring data sets for native ecosystem PMLU rehabilitation. Our approach is proven, and our reports are clear, concise, and precise. Contact us when you are ready to have your rehabilitation certified.

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